Wednesday 24 August 2011

The time has come....

I feel like I am about to go back in time. To 1985. October 1985 to be precise.

That was the month that, as a fairly shy 17-year-old, I came up to Aberdeen to study at university.

My folks brought me up in the car – I remember my brother was sick just as we drove into the city.

Midge Ure – the object of my teenage affections – was Number 1 with ‘If I Was’ (still love the song!) and playing on the radio.

I was kitted out in my stonewash jeans, pink court shoes and bad mullet hair cut, anxious and excited about the student life which lay ahead.

Now 26 years on, I have a very similar feeling because tomorrow I register for my PGDE (though thankfully without the dodgy fashion sense!).

My stomach has been churning for days – at first I thought it was a bug, then I realised it was just good old-fashioned nerves!!

I can’t wait to start the course, teaching is what I want to do and I am so pleased to have secured a place but that doesn’t stop all the thoughts zooming about in my head (competing against the butterflies in my tummy!!!).

At least I won’t have to face the horrors of Fresher’s Week this time round – I wouldn’t be able to fit it in around my kids’ parties, activities and general social diary.

Deep breath and bring on tomorrow morning. Wish me luck….

1 comment:

  1. What? You are not going to do the yard of ale down the Union? i was looking forward to being signed in by you for the cheapo drink!
